Accessibility Audit and Consultation

Want More Potential Clients? Make Your WebSite Accessible! We’ll Help.

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When you consider that people with disabilities make up nearly 15% of the population (WHO), including family, relatives, and acquaintances, that number can reach 50% of the population. Most businesses can’t afford to serve only 50% of their potential customer base.

Will it make us money? Will it save us money? Will it reduce risk?

Here are a few arguments for website accessibility:

  • Improved search engine optimization:

    Search engines are now taking website accessibility into account when ranking websites. Inaccessible websites may be penalized.
  • Increased customer base:

    An accessible website can reach a wider audience, including those with disabilities.
  • Legal compliance:

    In many countries, it is now a legal requirement for businesses to have an accessible website.
  • Positive brand image:

    Showing that your business values inclusivity and accessibility can help improve your brand image and customer loyalty.
  • Increased sales:

    By reaching a wider audience, an accessible website can lead to increased sales.
  • Social responsibility:

    Showing that your business values inclusivity and accessibility can help improve your brand image and customer loyalty.

Accessibility is Good for Business

"Many organisations are waking up to the fact that embracing accessibility leads to multiple benefits – reducing legal risks, strengthening brand presence, improving customer experience and colleague productivity."

Paul Smyth, Head of Digital Accessibility, Barclays

Video: Why Accessibility is Good for Business

Ready to get started?

Take the next steps to accessing more potential clients. Make your site Accessible!

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